Domestic Cats Acquire H5N1 Infection from Raw Milk


All felines, including domestic cats and larger species ranging from pumas to tigers, are susceptible to H5N1 infection that may result in death. Anecdotal reports of both illness and death of barn cats was made on dairy farms in Texas at the outset of bovine influenza H5N1 in March. The Centers for Disease Control have validated the observation that domestic cats are susceptible to H5N1 mammalian adapted genotype B3-13. Cats fed unpasteurized milk on dairy farms with herds with confirmed bovine influenza-H5N1 have died showing signs consistent with involvement of the central nervous system.  A diagnosis of H5N1 influenza is based on initially demonstrating the presence of H5 RNA by PCR but is confirmed by virus isolation and identification supported by histopathology.  Susceptibility of felines to avian influenza by the oral route was documented in Korea in 2023. Cats in shelters died after consuming raw duck meat from a farm housing infected ducks.

