The Big Dutchman NATURA® Step and Step XL aviary systems are state-of-the-art installations designed to optimize flock production and achieve the highest proportion of sellable eggs from a flock. The NATURA® Step and Step XL systems can be retrofitted to existing houses or incorporated into the design of new multi-level buildings. The NATURA® Step configuration comprises a lower tier with feeding and watering, floor access, and perch space, a middle tier with nests and drinkers, and an upper tier with feeding, floor access, and perches.

The NATURA® Step and Step XL are true aviary systems that allow hens access to all levels and the aisles, allowing natural behaviors including foraging, dust bathing, roosting, feeding, and egg laying within the aviary.
The Step concept is based on strategically placed platforms allowing hens to move easily among tiers, compliant with both E.U. and U.S. welfare requirements. The Step configuration of tiers together with the platforms allows hens to alight and turn for ease of access when moving up or down the installation.
NATURA® Step aviary systems offer the potential for maximum return on investment through harmonizing design with the behavioral requirements and genetic potential of flocks.
The NATURA® Step is 108 inches in height and has an overall width of 96 inches. The system incorporates a single row of nests on the middle tier. The NATURA® Step XL is 96 inches in height and has a width of 117 inches with two rows of nests on the middle tier to allow for optimal accessibility.

House equipped with Natura STEP aviary. Even distribution of flock among tiers and aisles |

Hens enter nests across a staging area equipped with a line of feeders and drinkers. Nests incorporate a patented tilting floor. Before the nest commences the closing sequence, it is raised slightly in the center allowing any eggs on the pad to roll towards the egg belt. To transition to the closed position, the nest floor is rotated through 90° facilitating removal of adherent dirt. In the closed position, hens are excluded from nests to prevent soiling and prevent “broody” hens.
The NATURA® Step is equipped with a single wide egg belt. The NATURA® Step XL has two parallel wide belts allowing for clean storage during periods of non-collection. Transport to the elevators is smooth and supports shell integrity. Belts are fabricated from polypropylene and will withstand high loading for prolonged functional life.
An optional belt can be installed on each side of the nest area to collect the small number of eggs laid on the floors of the system.
The EGGTRAX™ transfer unit gently moves eggs from the collection belt through a short transfer conveyor using pressure fingers to maintain shell integrity. The EGGCELLENT™ elevator is designed for high-volume collection. The design incorporates interlocking plastic components to optimize the yield of sellable eggs.
Double collecting belt arrangement below nest tier of Natura STEP XL ensures smooth and rapid transfer of eggs to elevators
Both Step systems incorporate the proven CHAMPION™ Chain feeding system equipped with an extra-wide trough with a lip designed to reduce feed wastage. The NATURA® Step has a single circuit on each of the lower and upper tiers with an optional circuit above the upper tier. The NATURA® Step XL is equipped with a circuit on the lower tier and two circuits on the upper tier.
Nipple drinker lines are installed on the lower tier and above the entrance to nests on the middle tier. Stainless steel nipples deliver water 360º, and units are equipped with drip cups.
Flexibility in the management of the flock and regulation of production is attained with lighting above the aisles, within and under each row.
The NATURA® Step aviary is designed to encourage hens to face towards the aisle while roosting, directing manure to the collection belt contributing to dry litter in the aisles and low levels of ammonia.
The top and bottom tiers are equipped with polypropylene manure belts with the option of ventilation to reduce moisture content. With correct operation, the system can maintain low levels of ammonia and freedom from fly infestation.
Additional information about these systems is available by clicking on the Big Dutchman logo at the top of this article. Design projections for either retrofits or new houses are available from regional sales representatives or an authorized Big Dutchman distributor.