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VAL-CO Special Edition



This special edition of EGG-NEWS incorporating industry data is sponsored by VAL-CO as service to egg producers.


Valco Industries was established in 2002, but their DNA goes back to 1935 with the establishment of the original company in Bird-In-Hand, Pennsylvania by the family of Fritz Steudler.  The company is headquartered in New Holland, PA. and employs over 300 in design, manufacturing and sales and operates subsidiary offices in Coldwater, OH, The Netherlands, India, and China. This year VAL-CO was recognized for 70 years as an exhibitor at the IPPE and its predecessors.


Valco Industries operates under the corporate commitment of “helping agriculture feed a hungry world” through providing equipment delivering consistent performance and supported by service to maximize returns by producers on their investment and labor.


Although VAL-CO manufactures a full line of poultry and hog equipment, products and ventilation products are featured in this edition.



This special edition focuses on the comprehensive range of ventilation components that collectively contribute to a seamless installation to optimize performance in both conventional cage housing and alternative systems. VAL-CO is experienced in the design and marketing of equipment to meet the specific requirements for multilevel aviaries and slat-and-litter barns.


VAL-CO installations can be supplied for new projects with the assistance of experienced design engineers.  VAL-CO components can upgrade existing housing undergoing conversion to alternative systems or to expand capacity.


Ventilation components reviewed were selected on the basis of innovation and development to suit the needs of the industry.




The VAL-CO V-Fan™ is available in 24”, 36", 50" or 54" diameter models all with  direct drive and  variable speed operation.


Variable speed fans offset their relatively higher initial cost by reducing utility bills achieved through high efficiency that may exceed conventional belt-drive fans by a threefold factor. A 54" V-Fan operating at reduced speed can provide an efficiency of up to 54 CFM/Watt.






VAL-CO developed a range of Hemisphere® fans in response to the need to distribute air evenly throughout an existing layer house or on each of the levels of a multi-story building. Centrally- placed Hemisphere mixing fans draw air up from floor level and down from the ceiling with dispersion outwards towards the walls creating a uniform temperature and environment for the flock.  Hemisphere fans are available in 48" or 72" diameter models. Installations can include an optional chimney for the attic, roof domes, variable speed controls, and bird proofing.





VAL-CO Light Traps are available in a range to suit new installations and retrofits.  The Flush Mount Light Trap obviates the need to install or add a plenum (‘doghouse’).  Features of the Flush Light Mount Trap include the ability to open the installation for cleaning and maintenance without impinging on aisle space when closed  The large area of the inlet reduces static pressure and increases fan efficiency.  Flush Mount Light Traps are available for 36", 54", and 57” fans.





The Oasis pad cooling system will improve bird comfort and production under high temperature conditions and can also be used to increase humidity especially during brooding in some areas and seasons.


 The VAL-CO Oasis incorporates design features to conserve water and to contribute to optimal conversion of water to vapor.  The installation includes a ribbed pad tray, elevated above the drain holes to prolong the life of pads.  The trough is designed for maintenance and cleaning.





The Ventra XT can integrate the operation of modulating heaters, variable speed fans, alarms, ventilation, and lighting.  The controller is managed through a 7" intuitive touch screen and allows remote access through the XTConnect and VLink apps.  The Ventra XT controller has inputs for carbon monoxide, ammonia and carbon dioxide sensors and can also control humidity with an optional Heat Purge feature.  The Ventra XT includes 24 analog inputs and 12 analog outputs and provides data logging and tracking of ventilation components including inlet operation covering multiple years.



In addition to the featured products, VAL-CO inlets, chimneys, inlet doors, and curtains are available to complete a comprehensive ventilation installation.


Accuflow Air Inlet

Val-Co Chimney exhaust