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Egg Month




Commencing in January 2024 the EIC justifiably separated the production costs and unit revenue values for eggs derived from caged and cage-free flocks. Accordingly, EGG-NEWS will continue to summarize data but will consolidate production and export statistics for the U.S. egg industry as a total and compare financial data for the two shell-egg categories.



  • June 2024 USDA ex-farm blended USDA nest-run, benchmark price for conventional eggs from caged hens was 207 cents per dozen, up 72 cents per dozen or 53.3 percent from the May 2024 value of 135 cents per dozen. For comparison, average monthly USDA benchmark price over 2023 was 146.0 cents per dozen with a range of 323 cents per dozen in January down to a low of 57 cents in May. Stock levels and prices prior to the onset of flock depletions due to HPAI indicated a relative seasonal balance between supply and demand. Future nest-run and wholesale prices will be largely dependent on consumer demand for shell eggs and products and the rate of replacement of pullets and hens depleted due to HPAI. Other considerations include diversion to shell sales from the egg-breaking sector in an interconnected industry.
  • Fluctuation in wholesale price is attributed in part to the amplification of upward and downward swings associated with the commercial benchmark price discovery system in use. An unknown factor in future pricing will be the incidence rate and severity of highly pathogenic avian influenza in July as northward migration of waterfowl ceases. Close to 13 million hens and 2.5 million pullets were depopulated during the fourth quarter of 2023 among five states with heavy losses in California. Approximately 15.6 million hens have been depleted since mid-April.
  • June 2024 USDA average nest-run production cost for conventional eggs from caged flocks over four regions (excluding SW and West), applying updated inputs was down 0.8 cents per dozen to 77.7 cents per dozen compared to the USDA revised May 2024 value of 78.5 cents per dozen, mainly attributable to a 1.5 percent lower average feed cost per dozen. Approximately 60 cents per dozen should be added to the USDA benchmark nest-run cost to cover processing, packing material and transport to establish a realistic price as delivered to warehouses.
  • June 2024 USDA benchmark nest-run margin for conventional eggs attained a positive value of 129.3 cents per dozen compared to a revised positive margin of 56.5 cents per dozen for May 2024. Average nest-run monthly margin over 2023 was 64.2 cents per dozen compared to 155 cents per dozen in 2022. This differential was mainly due to higher prices following HPAI-depletion of flocks. It is emphasized that the U.S. benchmark price reflects nest-run conventional eggs.
  • The June 2024 national flock in production (over 30,000 hens per farm) was stated by the USDA to be down 3.7 million hens (rounded) to 290.4 compared to the revised May 2024 value of 294.1 million. This figure apparently fails to record some flocks depleted since April 2024. Approximately 3.0 million hens returned to production from molt in June together with projected maturation of 21.5 million pullets, with this number offset by depletion of an unknown number of spent hens.
  • May 2024 pullet chick hatch of 29.1 million was up 1.0 percent or 0.3 million chicks from April 2024.
  • April 2024 exports of shell eggs and products combined was up 23.0 percent from April 2024 to 527,000 case equivalents representing the theoretical production of 7.0 million hens. The increase was attributed to higher demand for shell eggs by Canada and egg products to Mexico and South Korea and offset by decreased imports of egg products by Japan among other importing countries.



Summary tables for the latest USDA June 2024 flock statistics, costs and unit prices made available by the EIC on June 9th 2024 are arranged, summarized, tabulated and compared with values from the previous June 7th 2024 posting reflecting May 2024 costs and production data as applicable. Monthly comparisons of production data and costs are based on revised USDA value





MAY 2024

JUNE 2024

Table-strain eggs in incubators

54.4 million (May)*

 56.6 million (June)

Pullet chicks hatched

28.8 million (Apr.)*

 29.1 million (May)

Pullets to be housed 5 months after hatch

25.9 million (Sept.)*

 26.3 million (Oct.)

EIC 2023 December 1st U.S. total flock projection

327.0 (May.)

331.5 million (June)

National Flock in farms over 30,000 

294.1 million (Apr.)*

290.4 million (May)

National egg-producing flock 

 309.9 million (Apr)*

306.1 million (May)

Cage-free flock excluding organic

 102.3 million (May)

101.4 million (June)

Proportion of flocks in molt or post-molt

11.3% (May)

11.0% (June)

Total of hens in National flock, 1st cycle (estimate)

 274.4 million (Apr.)

 278.7 million (May)

* USDA Revised

Total U.S. Eggs produced (billion)

7.68 May 2024

  7.80 June 2024

Total Cage-Free hens in production

122.1 million (May)

16.2% Organic

121.2 million (June)

16.3% Organic

“Top-5” States hen population (USDA)1

147.2 million (April)

149.0 million (May)

 * Revised USDA/EICNote 1. Texas excluded to maintain confidentiality


Based on a nominal denominator of 295 million hens in flocks over 30,000 covering 94.9 percent of the U.S complement.

USDA has amended inclusion of specific states in regions and eliminated Texas data to protect confidentiality of Company flock




















Texas (estimate)

6.5% ?





  1. Values rounded to 0.1%

*USDA data is questioned based on known values for hen depopulation and pullet placements with discrepancies in stated values during the 4th quarter of 2023 and thereafter.


Rate of Lay, weighted hen-week (USDA) 82.4% May 2024. 82.81% June 2024

Revised per capita

Egg consumption 2020

285.6 (down 7.8 eggs from 2019)

Revised per capita

Egg consumption 2021

282.5 (down 3.1 eggs from 2020)

Revised per capita

Egg consumption 2022

280.5 (down 2.0 eggs from 2021 due to HPAI)

Projected per capita

Egg consumption 2023

279.3 (down 1.2 eggs from 2022)

Forecast per capita

Egg consumption 2024

275.6 ( down 3.7 eggs from 2023 attributed to HPAI losses)*

*Revised, using data from USDA Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Outlook June16th 2023 taking into account demand from the food service sector and presumably including the effect of HPAI depopulation.



Shell Eggs

1.51 million cases down 13.3 percent from May 2024

Frozen Egg


774,308 case equivalents, up 4.1 percent from May 2024

Dried Egg


Not disclosed since March 2020 following market disruption due

To COVID. Moderate levels of inventory are assumed.



APRIL 2024, 6.56  May 2024, 6.76

Cumulative eggs broken under FSIS inspection 2023 (million cases)



Cumulative 2023: number of cases produced (million)



Cumulative 2023: proportion of total eggs broken


(30.8% 2022)


Cumulative eggs broken under FSIS inspection 2024 (million cases)



Cumulative 2024: number of cases produced (million)



Cumulative 2024: proportion of total eggs broken




EXPORTS APRIL 2024: (Expressed as shell-equivalent cases of 360 eggs).


Quantity Exported



Shell Eggs (thousand cases)

April 126 MAY 245

Products (thousand case equivalents)

April 279 MAY 282

TOTAL (thousand case equivalents)*

April 405 MAY 527


*Representing 2.4 percent of National production in May 2024 (1.9 percent in April 2024).




MAY 20242

JUNE 2024

5-Region Cost of Production ex farm (1st Cycle)

78.5 c/doz

77.7 c/doz


76.1c/doz (MW)

77.8 c/doz (MW)


78.8 c/doz (NE)

79.9c/doz (NE)

Notes: 1. Excludes SW and West 2. USDA revised


Components of Production cost per dozen:-


MAY 2024*

JUNE 2024


38.4 c/doz


Pullet depreciation

12.1 c/doz

12.0 c/doz

Labor (estimate) plus


Housing (estimate) plus



Miscellaneous and other (adjusted May 2023)


* USDA Revised


Ex Farm Margin (rounded to nearest cent) according to USDA values reflecting JUNE 2024:-

207.0 cents per dozen1- 77.7 cents per dozen =129.3 cents per dozen (May 2024 comparison: 135.0 cents per dozen – 78.5 cents per dozen = 56.5 cents per dozen.

Note 1: USDA Blended nest-run egg price



MAY 2024

JUNE 2024


Ex-farm Price (Large, White)

135.0 c/doz (May)

207.0c/doz (June)


Warehouse/Dist. Center

170.0 c/doz (May)

251.8c/doz (June)


Store delivered (estimate)

175.0 c/doz (May)

256.8 c/doz (June)


Dept. Commerce Retail National

286.0 c/doz (Apr.)

270.0 c/doz (May)


Dept. Commerce Retail Midwest

259.0 c/doz (Apr.)

246.0 c/doz (May)

*USDA Revision



MAY 2024

JUNE 2024

U.S. Av Feed Cost per ton



Low Cost – Midwest



High Cost – West




$ 66.98

$ 67.70


Pullet Cost 19 Weeks

$4.71 May 2024

$4.70 June 2024

Pullet Cost 16 Weeks

$4.14 May 2024

$4.13 June 2024




MAY 2024*

JUNE 2024

5-Region Cost of Production ex farm (1st Cycle)

98.5 c/doz

97.7 c/doz


94.4c/doz (MW)

 93.6 c/doz (MW)


107.8 c/doz (West)

107.2 c/doz (West)

* USDA Revised


Components of Production cost for cage-free eggs, per dozen:-


MAY 2024*

JUNE 2024


44.6 c/doz

43.9 c/doz

Pullet depreciation

16.0 c/doz

15.9 c/doz

Labor (estimate) plus


Housing (estimate) plus


37.9 c/doz

Miscellaneous and other


* USDA Revised


Ex Farm Margin (rounded to nearest cent) according to USDA values reflecting JUNE 2024:-

Cage-Free brown 242 cents per dozen1- 97.7 cents per dozen = 144.3 cents per dozen

May 2024198 cents per dozen – 98.5 cents per dozen = 99.5 cents per dozen


MAY 2024

JUNE 2024


Average Ex-farm Price1

168 c/doz (May.)

170 c/doz (June)


Warehouse/Dist. Center

198 c/doz (May)

242 c/doz (June)


Store delivered (estimate)

203 c/doz (May)

247 c/doz (June)


Dept. Com. Retail C-F Brown

Dept. Com. Retail C-F White

345 c/doz (May)

284 c/doz (May)

302 c/doz (June)

305 c/doz (June)


Dept. Com. Retail Organic

Dept. Com. Retail Pasture

488 c/doz (May)

677 c/doz (May)

448 c/doz (June)

668 c/doz (June)

  1. Contract price, nest-run loose Range 135 to 235 c/doz.



Cage-Free* Pullet Cost 19 Weeks

$5.74 May 2024

$5.71 June 2024

Cage-Free* Pullet Cost 16 Weeks

$5.01 May 2024

$4.98 June 2024

* Conventional (non-organic) feed

Feed prices used are the average national and regional values for caged flocks. Excludes Organic feeds.




The USDA reports data for five regions, respectively comprising the Northeast, Southeast (Mid-Atlantic), South Central, Midwest, and West (NW and California combined or deleted in some tables).


From January 2024 three Pacific Coast states were combined as the West Region. Southwest excluded to maintain confidentiality while providing representative U.S. data. Costs include fixed components (interest, depreciation and overhead) and variable components (feed, pullet depreciation, labor) recalculated in May 2023 by the EIC based on surveys. An adjustment factor reflecting transport was introduced in February 2024. Some USDA data reflecting retail prices, pullet hatch, exports and flock numbers is delayed by a month




  • According to USDA, the estimated average complement of U.S. hens in flocks over 30,000 during May 2024 amounted to 290.4 million, reflecting a net 3.7 million hen (1.3 percent) decrease in flock size during the month. Data for 2024 to date reflect the previously delayed adjustments for depopulations during the fourth quarter of 2023 that were not incorporated in weekly USDA reports. Some losses in April have yet to be recorded (see comments in the weekly EGG-NEWS in this edition). Routine depletion was offset by pullet replacements, second cycle hens and retained flocks. The average total U.S. flock including hens in molt on all farms counted by the USDA amounted to 306.1 million in May 2024. The average end-of-year flock sizes over the past five years respectively were:- 2019, (341.6 million); 2020, (325.5 million); 2021, (331.6 million); 2022, (310.0 million) and 2023, (311.4 million). The December 1st 2024 flock was projected to be an unrealistically high 331.5 million hens in the July report applying the EIC model. This would require an additional 22.9 hens in production or additional housing for molted hens. With replacements, molting and delayed depopulation it is estimated that the national flock now comprises 18 to 20 million fewer hens than the value of 326 million before the advent of the H5N1 HPAI epornitic in 2022. In the absence of a vaccine only effective biosecurity will help protect flocks going forward.
  • Pullet chick hatch attained 29.1 million in May 2024, up 0.3 million from an adjusted April 2024 value. During the 2nd Quarter of 2024 egg prices rose above the seasonal average possibly influencing demand for chicks together with the need to compensate for depopulated pullet and hen flocks.
  • The total in-molt and post-molt population of hens in the 5-Regions monitored by the USDA declined to 11.0 percent of the national flock in June 2024, compared to 11.3 percent for the previous month. Annual averages for molt and post-molt combined were 12.8 percent in 2023; 14.0 percent in 2022 and 14.4 percent in 2021. The historical high value of 23.8 percent in 2016 was due to the loss of hens during the 2015 HPAI epornitic. This situation will not be revisited in 2024.
  • During the fourth quarter of 2023 the average monthly transfer of pullets to laying houses was 25.2 million compared to 24.9 million in the third quarter. Revised data anticipate the transfer of 23.1 million pullets per month during the first quarter and 22.0 million in the second quarter of 2024. Pullet transfer in the 3rd Quarter will increase to 26.0 million per month.
  • The projected hatchery supply flock (parent generation) peaked at 3.1 million hens in June 2022. The previous high parent-flock of 3.1 million hens in production was in June 2015, coinciding with the end of the HPAI epornitic in that year. Parent hens thereafter declined to a low of 2.5 million during the fourth quarter of 2016. During 2023 the flock size for parent hens averaged 2.4 million over the fourth quarter of 2023 and is projected at 2.5 million during the 1st through the 3rd quarters of 2024. The size of the parent flock is unlikely to be revised based on pullet chick orders influenced by the demand to replace depopulated pullets and hens and in response to possible higher producer margins. It is understood that production of additional pullet chicks is unlikely given forward planning by breeder-hatcheries and full utilization of facilities.
  • Average hen-week production of 82.1 percent in June 2024 compares to a revised value of 82.4 percent in May 2024. This reflects a high proportion of younger hens in the national flock with many first-cycle hens and early second-cycle hens in production. (Alternatively the USDA may be under-counting hens). Average rate of lay in 2023 was 81.8 percent. The average rate of lay during any period is a function of the proportion of pullets placed, the rate of depletion of flocks and retention of molted hens for a second cycle. Average flock production declines as the weighted flock age increases or conversely will rise due to early depletion thereby increasing the proportion of young hens in their first cycle.
  • The June 24th edition of the USDA Poultry Slaughter Report documented 2.94 million light spent-hens processed under FSIS inspection during May 2024, 3.1 percent more than the previous month of April 2024 but 7.5 percent lower than in May 2023. These differences are an indication that flocks are being retained. Slaughter in U.S. plants represents a small proportion in comparison to the presumed depletion of 15 million hens per month with most hens either rendered or consigned to landfills. Provided housing space is available, prevailing prices will result in retention of flocks with more routine or previously scheduled flocks molted.



  • The USDA ex farm benchmark blended egg price in June 2024 was 53.3 percent higher at 207 cents per dozen from the May 2024 value of 135 cents per dozen. This contributed to a positive margin of 129.3 cents per dozen based on ‘nest-run’ generic eggs (ungraded as delivered from the laying house) during June 2024, compared to a revised positive margin of 56.5 cents per dozen in April 2024. The June 2024 USDA benchmark price of 207 cents per dozen should be compared to 79.0 cents per dozen for the corresponding month in 2023 and 189 cents per dozen in June 2022 influenced by reduced supply due to HPAI depopulation and higher demand. The relatively high values from the second through fourth quarters of 2022 compared to corresponding periods for the two previous years were due to depletion of hens following the emergence of HPAI coupled with a rise in demand following relaxation of COVID restrictions and the amplification of price rises due to the benchmark costing system.
  • During June 2024, the feed component of production cost averaged 37.7 cents per dozen, down 1.8 percent or 0.7 cents per dozen from May 2024. During 2023 average feed cost was 46.4 cents per dozen compared to 50.1 cents per dozen in 2022 and 42.5 cents per dozen in 2021.
  • Combining data from the USDA and the EIC, producers recorded a positive margin of 129.3 cents per dozen at farm-level for generic-egg flocks during June 2024. This compares with a revised margin of 56.5 cents per dozen in May 2024. Cumulative average monthly algebraic nest-run margin year-to-date is 112.7 cents per dozen. Over 2023 the average monthly margin attained 71.5 cents. During 2022 cumulative average monthly algebraic margin attained 1,887 cents. For 2021 the cumulative average algebraic margin was 9.1 cents per dozen against USDA benchmark ‘nest run’ values.
  • The simple average price of feed in June 2024 over 5-regions was $245.28 per ton, lower by $4.11 per ton or 1.7 percent. Southwest data is no longer disclosed to avoid compromising a company that predominates in Texas. The highest cost among five regions was the West at $292.80 per ton, down $3.13 or 1.1 percent from May 2024. This may be compared to the lowest-cost region, the Midwest at $225.10 per ton, $3.85 per ton or 1.7 percent lower than the previous month. The average cost for feed includes ingredients plus milling and delivery charges.
  • The benchmark price of corn was $16.56 per ton in June 2024, down $5.10 per ton or 2.8 percent from the average May 2024 price, taking into account the difference in basis paid by producers. The differential in corn price between the Midwest and the West in June 2024 was $67.98 per ton. A 0.7 percent decrease of $2.70 per ton in the price of soybean meal to $411.83 per ton in June 2024 added to the lower price of corn in reducing feed price and hence production cost. During June 2024 there was a differential of $67.70 per ton in feed price between the Midwest and the West compared to a difference of $66.98 per ton in May 2024 The industry experiences regular increases in the cost of phosphate additives, fat and vitamins.
  • Feed price will continue to be a major factor driving production cost and hence margin. The June WASDE #649, released on June 12th projected volumes for the 2024 corn and soybean harvests, ingredient use, exports and ending stocks for the two major feed ingredients. A summary of WASDE # 649 can be viewed under the statistics TAB.. Unknown factors influencing feed cost during the third quarter of 2024 will include:-
  • Continued consequences of conflict in Ukraine and the Middle East with inevitable disruption in production and especially for shipping through the Black Sea and the Suez Canal.
  • Projections of U.S. crop yields in 2024 based on acreage planted and weather conditions. Transition to a La Nina event by mid-year may result in hot and dry weather in the Midwest
  • The projected large harvests in Brazil and Argentina.
  • Damage to the wheat crop in Russia projected to be down by 12 percent due to early frost followed by unseasonal drought, indirectly impacting the price of corn.
  • Demand by China will influence prevailing prices in international trade.
  • The availability and hence prices of ingredients will also be influenced by weather conditions in the Southern Hemisphere
  • Export volume from the U.S.
  • Diversion of corn to ethanol and of soy oil to biodiesel.
  • The economic and logistic effects associated with inflation especially in energy and interest rates.


There is obviously higher demand for ethanol with production projected by the U.S. Energy Information Administration at 970,000 barrels per day but with an average exceeding one-million barrels per day during 2023 extending through the first half of 2024. Substantial exports of soybeans, although with lower volumes to China, during the current 2023-2024 market year is supporting domestic price and hence contributing to the cost of egg production. Each $10 per ton difference in feed cost represents approximately 1.70 cents per dozen. A change of $1 per ton (2.8 cents per bushel) in the price of corn is reflected in a 0.11 cent per dozen change in production cost. A $10 per ton change in the price of soybean meal affects production cost by 0.35 cent per dozen.

  • The EIC calculated the 4-Region (excluding the West and Southwest) adjusted total nest-run production cost in June 2024 to be 77.7 cents per dozen, 0.8 cent per dozen lower than May 2024. Production costs for conventional eggs from caged flocks during June 2024 ranged from 76.18 cents per dozen in the Midwest up to a calculated value of 85.0 cents per dozen in the West, higher than the Midwest region by approximately 9.0 cents per dozen. During 2023 the average monthly cost of production was 85.9 cents per dozen and 81.0 cents per dozen in 2022.


Deletion of Southwest and West data is considered a substantial deficiency of the EIC Report. Given the price of feed and with appropriate assumptions values for these regions could be determined. Exclusion of cost data skews the mean for the U.S.

  • National retail egg prices as determined by the Department of Commerce for May 2024 averaged 270 cents per dozen, down 16 cents per dozen for conventional white-shelled Large eggs compared to April 2024. During May 2022 and 2023 retail prices were respectively 286 and 267 cents per dozen. From 2017 through 2021 average retail prices did not decline in proportion to ex-farm prices, with chains imposing higher margins at retail, thereby depressing demand. Conventional supermarkets have recently demonstrated some restraint in pricing possibly due to competition from deep discounters and club stores, despite sustained demand.



  • The USDA ex farm benchmark blended egg price in June 2024 was 44 cents per dozen or 22.2 percent higher at 242 cents per dozen compared to the May 2024 value of 198 cents per dozen. This contributed to a positive margin of 144.3 cents per dozen based on ‘nest-run’ eggs (ungraded as delivered from the laying house) in June 2024, compared to a positive margin of 99.5 cents per dozen in May 2024. The June 2024 USDA benchmark nest-run price of 242 cents per dozen should be compared to 155 cents per dozen for the corresponding month in 2023 and 176 cents per dozen in June 2022 influenced by HPAI depopulation and heightened demand.
  • The EIC calculated the 4-Region (excluding the West and Southwest) adjusted total nest-run production cost in June 2024 to be 97.7 cents per dozen, 0.8 cent per dozen lower than the revised May 2024 value. Production costs for eggs from cage-free flocks during June 2024 ranged from 93.6 cents per dozen in the Midwest up to a value of 107.2 cents per dozen in the West, higher than the Midwest region by 13.6 cents per dozen.
  • National retail egg prices for cage-free brown as determined by the Department of Commerce for May 2024 averaged 302 cents per dozen, down 43 cents per dozen compared to April 2024. During May 2022 and 2023 retail prices were respectively 275 and 294 cents per dozen.

*Excludes Certified Organic and pastured flocks



  • The monthly Export Report will be posted in the July 19th edition and under the STATISTICS Tab thereafter during June.
  • It is presumed that almost all exports of white-shelled eggs and products are derived from caged flocks.
  • According to USDA-FAS data, 245,000 cases of shell eggs were exported in May 2024, representing 1.1 percent of total production. This was a 92.2 percent increase compared to April 2024 attributed to higher demand by Canada, (+103000 cases) Mexico (+15,000 cases)
  • Exports of egg products in May 2024 attained 282,000 case-equivalents, up 1.1 percent from the previous month and representing 1.3 percent of U.S. output. Decreases were attributed to lower volumes (expressed as case equivalents) to Japan (-52,000), Canada (-5,000); the E.U. (-7,000). Decreases were offset by increased shipments to Mexico, (+21,000) and South Korea, (+33,000)
  • Collectively, exports of shell eggs and products in May 2024 comprised the output from approximately 7.0 million hens in production during the month. Exports attained 527,300 case-equivalents, up 29.9 percent from April 2024 and 11.5 percent less than combined exports during the pre-HPAI first quarter of 2022 averaging 596,300 case equivalents per month.
  • Maintaining export volume is attributed to cooperation between the AEB and USAPEEC, in existing, new and potential markets. Specific attention is directed to nations with the potential to import U.S. product based on landed price against competition. Exports of both egg-products and shell eggs in May 2024 corresponded to 1.3 percent of a nominal national flock of approximately 305 million producing hens, (before HPAI depletions) on commercial farms holding more than 30,000 hens.
  • There is no scientifically justifiable reason why any nation should embargo pasteurized egg products from an approved plant, based on a diagnoses of H5 or H7 avian influenza or velogenic Newcastle disease in a specific state or country.