The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has cancelled the registration of brominated vegetable oil (BVO) as an additive to foods and beverages. This belated action follows studies conducted by the National Institute of Health (NIH) that determined adverse health effects among consumers of products containing BVO. In 1970 the FDA withdrew the designation of Generally Regarded as Safe. Brominated vegetable oil was previously used as a stabilizer to maintain the flavor and appearance of beverages containing citrus components.
The decision by FDA follows legislation enacted in California banning the use of the additive. The Rule will come into effect at the beginning of August 2024 with a compliance date for elimination by August 2025. Since the food industry has largely ceased using BVO, the action by FDA is effectively moot but long-delayed. If BVO is deleterious according to the NIH, why expose consumers to the additive through the fall of 2025?