Faced with losses associated with self-scanning the Loblaw chain in Canada introduced a pilot program in Ontario to verify the accuracy of self-checkout. The process required consumers to scan receipts before releasing a barrier to exit the lane. Consumer response was decidedly negative since the system implied that all customers were larcenous-a sentiment that should have occurred to whoever approved the project.
A public advocacy group, Leadnow addressed a letter to the CEO of Loblaw noting that the verification of receipts could represent a slippery slope for added surveillance and harassment. A site Loblaw is Out of Control was established on Reddit, suggesting a boycott of the chain and affiliates. The group has 25,000 members and its influence is certainly detrimental to the Loblaw image.
The negative response to the Loblaw initiative should be instructive to supermarket chains using self-checkout based on disfavor from customers. Chains including the U.S. Dollar Stores are removing self-checkout or restricting the number of items purchased based on the soaring rates of shrinkage.
To quote Fagin a character in Oliver, Loblaw will have to “Think I’ll have to think it out again.”