A draft risk evaluation for formaldehyde has been published by the Environmental Protection Agency in accordance with the Toxic Substances Control Act. The document maintains that formaldehyde “poses an unreasonable risk to human health”. Formaldehyde is used in construction materials representing the reality of low-level continuous home contact.
In the poultry industry, formaldehyde is used as a fumigant in hatcheries to suppress bacterial and fungal contamination and as a surface disinfectant. Formalin-containing feed additives are extremely effective at suppressing Salmonella and other susceptible bacterial pathogens in feed. Accordingly, the American Feed Industry Association has expressed concern over bans and will oppose anticipated regulation by the EPA.
The Agency will accept comments on the Draft Risk Assessment that will be reviewed by the Science Advisory Committee on Chemicals that will also review comments at a virtual public meeting in late May.
It is inevitable that restrictions will be placed on the use of formalin but it is hoped that industry concerns will be heeded and that a blanket ban will not be imposed. Formalin can be used safely both as a fumigant and as a spray application providing appropriate precautions are taken to reduce human contact either through inhalation or direct skin contact.