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Nestle to Reintroduce Voie Gras


After a successful market trial, Nestle will reintroduce Voie Gras, a plant-based alternative to   foie gras, under the Garden Gourmet™ brand.


The product comprises a soy-protein base with a  miso paste and spices.  The product has a similar texture and flavor to foie gras but is produced without the inherent cruelty associated with force-feeding of waterfowl.


The product was developed at the Nestle R&D center in Singen, Germany by a team of culinary experts. Voie Gras is packed in a glass jar and will be displayed in deli refrigerators.


Torsten Pohl, Global Head of  R&D for Nestle, stated, “Our teams worked hard to improve the recipe, taste and shelf-life bringing us even closer to animal-base foie gras.  He added, “We are now capable of producing it on a larger scale enabling us to conduct a second seasonal launch.”