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Sad Passing of Eddie Creighton


William “Eddie” Creighton passed on November 21st at the age of 90.  Born 1932 in Warsaw, IN, Eddie attended Mentone High School and graduated from Purdue University with a degree in agriculture.


He was the owner and CEO of Creighton Brothers and Crytal Lake Egg Products, a significant force in the industry with four million hens.  His dedication to state and national production was recognized in the Golden Egg Award from the Indiana State Poultry Association.  He was also honored as an Animal Science Department Distinguished Alumnus by the Purdue College of Agriculture.  He was active in civic affairs and served three terms as a Kosciusko County Commissioner.  He was active in the Kiwanis Club and led the Boy Scouts of America Atwood Troop for many generations.  His daughter, Mindy Creighton Truex, continues the family tradition as CEO of the company.  Condolences are extended to his widow, Louise, to whom he was married for 71 years.  They have three children, four grandchildren and six great grandchildren.