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Black Sea Humanitarian Corridor Functional


According to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Ukraine, has overcome intimidation and action by naval forces of the Russian Federation.  Since August, Ukraine has exported four million metric tons of agricultural product commodities through the Humanitarian Corridor.  Zelenskyy attributes the success of the operation to the cooperation of Black Sea neighbors including Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova allowing vessels to transit the national waters adjoining the coasts of these Nations.  Intervention by Russian naval forces has been suppressed by deployment of marine drones that have been surprisingly effective as a deterrent forcing Russian vessels to withdraw eastward into the Black Sea away from the range of Ukraine countermeasures.


Exports through the Humanitarian Corridor from both Black Sea and Danube ports continue despite drone attacks on installations and grain storage.  Initiation of the Humanitarian Corridor was necessitated by the Russian Federation withdrawing from the Black Sea Grain Initiative that allowed safe passage for marine vessels despite continual obstruction.