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Lower Online Grocery Sales in September


According to a Brick Meats Click-Marcatus grocery shopping survey as reported by Supermarket News, online grocery sales attained $7.5 billion in September, down 3.1 percent from the corresponding month in 2022.  The drop was attributed to fewer orders placed, with a decline of eight percent compared to September 2022.  Amazon recorded seven percent fewer orders placed by monthly active users compared to supermarkets registering a decline of 13 percent.  The decline in order frequency was offset by more households completing at least one order during September with a rise of 11 percent year-over-year.  Walmart dominated among retailers with their order base increasing by 20 percent.


Store pickup was the most popular method of completing orders comprising 59 percent of the market.  In contrast, delivery and ship-to-home were down 39 percent and 40 percent respectively.


Online sales across all delivery options represented 12.5 percent of total expenditure on groceries as determined during the last week of September.