The Department of Health of the state of New Mexico is evaluating an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis apparently acquired by visitors to the New Mexico State Fair during early September. A total of 18 cases have been identified but individuals in otherwise normal health with mild symptoms would probably not have required medical intervention and hence the number of cases is undercounted. Uncomplicated infections result in diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain occurring over a short duration.
Cryptosporidium parvum, a protozoan parasite, has a life cycle similar to avian coccidiosis and can be acquired from consuming contaminated water or food. Dissemination of the parasite among children in daycare centers or in paddling ponds and swimming pools may result in extensive outbreaks.
Cryptosporidiosis must be added to the list of infections associated with agricultural and fall fairs. Conditions encountered include salmonellosis, campylobacteriosis, colibacillosis, and respiratory viruses including zoonotic influenza. Risks of infection can be reduced by hand-washing, not eating in the vicinity of livestock and following commonsense hygiene procedures.