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Packer Sanitation Services Inc. Agreement with the UFCW


Packer Sanitation Services Inc. has reached an agreement with the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCWI to allow organizing efforts at PSSI locations.


This move is in part stimulated by the negative publicity generated by PSSI following the revelation of employment of underaged workers to clean plants at night.  The subsequent inquiry by the Department of Labor and a substantial fine resulted in the departure of the CEO and the CFO and embarrassment for Blackstone, the owners of PSSI.


Mark Perrone, president of the UFCWI stated, “The problem we have witnessed in the industry must firmly remain a thing of the past and we believe that good, strong, union contracts are crucial to protecting all meatpacking and food processing workers.” He added, “Meatpacking and food processing workers risked their lives during the height of the pandemic to ensure that families had food on their tables.  These workers have earned and deserve the protections that come with a strong union contract and with this agreement, we are one step closer to getting them the contractual protections enjoyed by  UFCW members.”  Shortly after the agreement, workers in Liberal, KS and Madison City, IA elected to join the union.