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U. S. to Distribute Monovalent XBB COVID Vaccine


The COVID vaccine selected for the fall of 2023 will be an mRNA product based on Omicron strain XBB. This decision represents unanimity among U. S. health administrators, the World Health Organization and will be in collaboration with major vaccine manufacturers,.


Experimental data showed that this vaccine will be most appropriate to protect against prevalent strains and will boost immunity that is waning among recipients of previous vaccines.  The XBB vaccine has been tested in animal models and humans under controlled conditions and has been shown to be both safe and effective.  Additional trials are in progress to confirm safety when administered concurrently with influenza and RSV vaccines.


The XBB-strain vaccine will be manufactured by Pfizer, Moderna and Novavax and will be approved by the FDA by late summer or early fall. Protocols will be developed to establish precedence in receiving the vaccine.