Brianna Green, a student at the Cornell University State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences will graduate with a Baccalaureate degree this year. Brianna is one of ten Cargill Global Scholars in the U. S. who has had the opportunity to interact with peers and to gain an understanding of food and sustainability issues.
During the summer of 2021, she spent three months in Kenya working with poultry farmers on a Borlaug-Ruan internship funded by the World Food Prize International. Brianna is a delegate to the Council of Agricultural Research, Extension and Teaching and has advocated for funding for the HATCH and Smith-Lever Acts. As a member of the Cornell Egg-Vengers, she has participated in programs to collect eggs from poultry producers and donate them to food banks and health clinics.
Brianna commented, “Here at Cornell I didn’t just fit in but I truly felt as though I created a niche with opportunities for myself and this was only possible due to the nature of Cornell’s “Any Person Any Study” principle.
In 2024, Brianna will enter the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California in Los Angles to pursue a medical degree. On a personal note, this is a loss to veterinary medicine, poultry production and agriculture. Notwithstanding we wish her every success in her chosen profession and hope that she will continue to make a mark improving the well-being of humanity and through alleviation of suffering through her intended profession.