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Costco Reports March 2023 Sales


In an April 5th release Costco Wholesale Corporation announced a 2.6 percent comparable same store sales (excluding fuel) increase in March 2023 compared to the corresponding month in 2021.  Same store sales increased by 0.9 percent in the U.S., 7.4 percent in the Canada and 7.2 percent for Other International stores.  For the five weeks ending April 2nd Costco attained total revenue of $21.7 billion up 0.5 percent compared to the corresponding period in 2022.


In contrast to company-wide sales increases, E-commerce sales fell 11.6 percent confirming a national trend involving a reversion to brick-and-mortar stores and warehouses.


Costco intends opening 27 stores in 2023 including three relocations.  The first ever warehouses were opened in New Zealand and Sweden and four additional locations were opened during the first quarter of fiscal 2023.


Costco currently operates 850 warehouses, including 585 in the United States and Puerto Rico, 107 in Canada, 40 in Mexico, 31 in Japan, 29 in the United Kingdom, 18 in Korea, 14 in Taiwan, 14 in Australia, four in Spain, three in China and two in France, and one each in Iceland, New Zealand and Sweden. Costco also operates e-commerce sites in the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, Mexico, Korea, Taiwan, Japan and Australia.