Conventionally off-line plants record egg deliveries by pallet. In response to market requests and to improve efficiency, OVO-Vision has upgraded their software. The enhancements allow plant management to pack from houses with an in-line configuration allowing the blending of age groups without sacrificing traceability and accuracy of egg counts. With the new OVO-Vision Software, the number of eggs as recorded by egg-counters can be correlated with grade-out data. Results can be used to plan packing schedules and to compare data with predetermined standards.
The new OVO-Vision Software accumulates grading data for a specific shift or day of operation and can allocate production to individual houses. Data can be integrated with financial and quality reports.
The OVO-Vision software upgrade allows packers to alternate between in-line and off-line while retaining records of stock inventory and location of product irrespective of the respective stages in the production cycles of supply flocks.
The new OVO-Vision software has been extensively tested and is available as an upgrade to users of OVO-Vision systems.
For additional information, E-mail or call 1-(31) 475 343180.