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USDA Appoints Administrator for the Agricultural Research Service


Dr. Simon Liu has been appointed Administrator of the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) responsible for applying technology and science to enhancing agricultural production.  He has served as Acting Administrator since June 2022 and was officially named as Administrator on January 4th, 2023.


USDA Undersecretary for Research, Education and Economics, Dr. Chavonda Jacobs-Young stated, “Research is the key to strengthening and adapting agriculture to meet the needs of today and the challenges we face tomorrow.  Dr. Liu’s decades of public service in previous leadership roles within ARS make him the perfect fit to lead the Agency into the future.” 


Before joining the ARS Dr. Liu served as Associate Director of the National Library of Medicine and Director of the Computer and Communication System for the Library.  He has worked with the U. S. Department of Justice and the U. S. Treasury.


Dr. Liu obtained his Baccalaureate degree in Taiwan and earned Masters degrees in Computer Science, Business Administration and Government from Indiana University, the University of Maryland and Johns Hopkins University, respectively.  He holds two Doctoral degrees in Higher Education and Administration and in Computer Science from George Washington University.  He has attained a distinguished academic record and extensive administrative experience.