Jamesway Chick Master Incubator now operating under the contracted brand name, “Jamesway”, introduced the OVATION range at the IPPE.
Standard Jamesway features including on-rack turning, intuitive controls, sealed cabinets and removable fans for ease of cleaning are incorporated into the OVATION line. Upgrades include enhanced cooling coils, updated controls and the new 360 Hatchery Management software. The OVATION line now includes the O-36 Model with 193,000 egg capacity.
The OVATION CM line offers the same convenience as the Chick Master footprint in a paddle- fan configuration. This incubator incorporates new controls and on-trolley turning to improve the internal environmental parameters derived from the Chick Master design.
Jamesway represents the combination of Jamesway and Chick Master product lines accomplished in June 2020. Jamesway represents 230 years of service to the poultry industry with equipment installed in 2,500 hatcheries worldwide in over 150 nations.
Jamesway continues to support both Jamesway and Chick Master product lines as a global leader in providing incubation.
Additional information is available at WWW.Jamesway.com