According to the 2022 USPOULTRY Fiscal Report, the USPOULTRY Foundation distributed $1.6 million to support industry initiatives.
The USPOULTRY Foundation was established in 1994 to honor the contributions of Harold E. Ford. Initially, the Foundation supported student recruiting by poultry science departments. The mission of the Foundation has expanded to respond to the needs of the industry. Activities now include support for research, Future Farmers of America and a career fair.
During 2022, $302,500 was extended to recruiting activities at 26 colleges and universities. Industry research was funded to the value of $750,000, representing 52 percent of funding.
The benefits accruing from USPOULTRY Foundation funding will become apparent in years to come as gifted students pursue careers allied to poultry production and enhance the expansion and profitability of the industry. The Foundation is ensuring innovation through future technology, management and other creative endeavors.