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Decline in Online Grocery Sales


During the COVID years online ordering of groceries soared with increases in curbside pickup, delivery and ship-to-home showing proportional increases. It now appears that cost outweighs convenience in a post-COVID economy.


Online grocery sales in October were down three precent year-over-year and were unchanged from September with a value of $7.8 billion.  Data was collected in a Brick-Meets-Click survey that determined value of each order, the frequency and activity by respondent.  It was determined that online grocery orders decreased disproportionately compared to all online purchases.


During October spending per transaction declined five percent compared to the corresponding month in 2021.  Ship-to-home was 11 percent lower, parking-lot delivery declined 7 percent and in-store pickup by three percent. 


During October 2022, online grocery shopping represented 11.6 percent of total grocery sales with pickup and delivery combined representing 9.4 percent of sales.