Assembly Bill 257, known as the FAST Recovery Act, was signed into law on Labor Day. This legislation increases wage rates for employees of “fast-food restaurants”. Specific provisions of the law will be implemented by a ten-person Council that will set standards for wages, hours and other conditions of employment. According to the Bill, “fast-food restaurants” are defined by providing counter-service, food paid for before the order is delivered, and the chain having more than 100 locations. This would include conventional QSRs and hybrid operation such as Chipotle Mexican Grill.
A filing for a ballot has been initiated and if sufficient signatures are gathered, that is considered inevitable, voters will consider repealing the FAST Act in November 2024 thereby invalidating the law. Based on a recent ballot to overturn ride-sharing legislation, it is anticipated that both labor unions and restaurant operators will expend millions to engender support for their respective causes.