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Dr. Janet Remus Receives Poultry Science Association Distinguished Career Award


The U.S. Poultry and Egg Association awarded the 2022 Distinguished Poultry Industry Career Award to Dr. Janet Remus, Technical Director of Danisco Animal Nutrition and Health. 


The award recognizes contributions by an industry leader over an extended career.  In commenting on the award, John Starkey, President of USPOULTRY stated, “Dr. Remus has dedicated her career to conducting applied research to problems facing the poultry industry.  She inspires and motivates and has provided guidance to many undergraduate and graduate students.”  He concluded, “We believe that Dr. Remus’ efforts have truly helped to grow our industry.”


From 1998 to 2000, Dr. Remus was the Research and Development Manager for Finnfeeds, subsequently acquired by Danisco where she continued research and technical service activities.


Dr. Remus has served on a number of Poultry Science Association committees and has authored more than 80 papers, abstracts and proceedings. She earned the B.S. in Agriculture from the University of Nebraska, and her Masters and Doctoral degrees, with an emphasis on poultry nutrition from the University of Missouri.