Since two weeks have passed without reports of HPAI in commercial flocks, and given the advent of July, it can be assumed that the 2022 U.S. outbreak of H5N1 has now ended.
USDA-APHIS recorded 186 outbreaks on commercial farms from February through June.
The following categories of poultry were affected, resulting in flock depletion:
- Commercial layers and pullets, 25 farms, 31.7 million
- Broiler breeders, 3 farms, 92,000
- Turkeys, breeder and grow out, 131 farms, 5.5 million
- Broilers, 12 farms, 2.4 million
- Ducks, 11 farms, 182,000
The following numbers for cases and birds depleted were recorded from February through June in commercial flocks:
- February, 8 farms, 1.4 million
- March, 51 farms, 21.0 million
- April, 106 farms, 14.6 million
- May, 18 farms, 0.8 million
- June, 3 farms, 2.2 million
In contrast to the 2015 epornitic, a large number of backyard farms were diagnosed with H5N1 HPAI. A total of 190 diagnoses were made, although it is assumed that a proportion of small flocks in the U.S. were not reported. In total, 376 confirmed cases of H5N1 were recorded in 36 states, resulting in depletion of slightly in excess of 40.1 million poultry of diverse species.