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Mexico Depletes 1.9 Million Birds Following Emergence of HPAI


Egg-NewsSENASICA, the agency in Mexico approximating USDA-APHIS has announced that 1.9 million birds, mostly broilers have been depleted in each of ten farms in the states of Durango and Coahuila in addition to three facilities in Chihuahua.


Surveillance of 298 farms has been completed, representing 35 million chickens.


Authorities in Mexico are following the same programs as in the E.U. and the U.S. to control outbreaks.  These include rapid diagnosis, depletion of flocks, disposal of carcasses, decontamination and testing before restocking. 


At this stage there is no mention of using vaccines that were successfully deployed in previous outbreaks.  It is understood that a baculovirus -vector avian influenza vaccine has been used recently in Mexico.  The Egg-Newsresults of field evaluation would be of value since vaccination with an effective product could be a useful adjunct to the traditional control of outbreaks by limiting spread of HPAI virus in concentrated immunized populations.