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Making Raw Milk Commercially Available – Libertarian Ideology Promotes Disease


Egg-NewsThe Institute of Food Technologists has advanced studies confirming that unpasteurized dairy products with about one percent of total availability are responsible for 840 times more foodborne illnesses and 45 times the rate of hospitalizations than from consumption of pasteurized counterparts.


During recent years, a number of legislatures have either passed or are considering bills to allow more extensive commercial distribution of raw milk.  Unpasteurized dairy products representing a minuscule volume of supply of food products consumed are responsible for three times more hospitalizations than any other single foodborne source.  The list of pathogens encountered in raw milk includes Salmonella, STEC, Campylobacter and Listeria and possibly Brucella and Mycobacteria depending on herd of origin.  All of these potential pathogens are destroyed by pasteurization.


There is no scientific substantiation for the frequently claimed superior nutritional benefits of raw milk compared to the pasteurized equivalent.



The move towards liberalizing the distribution of raw milk is common to a number of “freedom issues” that reject obviously beneficial but considered irksome government regulations such as wearing motorcycle helmets. Libertarians fail to recognize the cost to the nation and individual taxpayers and members of HMOs for the treatment of preventable foodborne infections. There is no practical way of ensuring safety of raw milk despite unsubstantiated claims to the contrary. Knowingly serving raw milk to families is effectively a form of indirect child abuse.