Global Farmer Network has reported on planting activities in areas of Ukraine not directly affected by the invasion by Russia. Although from the perspective of aerial warfare, all regions of Ukraine are vulnerable to bombing and missiles, farmers have the imperative to plant and cultivate. Estimates of the area to be cultivated range from 50 to 80 percent of the normal spring plating. The Government has issued a blanket offer to guarantee loans to farmers.
In an interview with a Dutch expatriate who has farmed in Ukraine for twenty years, it is evident that resourcefulness will be required given the difficulty in obtaining fertilizer, seed, fuel and pesticides. The pressing decision is what to plant. The farmer interviewed grows a wide range of crops including sugar beets that can be sold locally but require processing in a plant inherently vulnerable to destruction. Coarse grains and soybeans even if harvested may not be transported due to destruction of infrastructure especially from export ports on the Black Sea. Accordingly he will diversify, planting spring wheat and barley, soybeans, sunflowers and vegetables. His comments exemplify the attitude of farmers under adversity in stating “I have no idea what will happen next. Farming always involves risks. But I’m back on our farm directing our operations alongside our workers, some of whom have been with us for twenty years. We going to try to grow the food we all need --- this is where I belong.”