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Extensive Avian Influenza Outbreak In The Netherlands


According to press reports, the Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority of the Netherlands has initiated preemptive depletion of farms following an outbreak in the Province of Gelderland focused on the town of Barneveld.  The problem of control is illustrated by the presence of seven poultry facilities within a 0.6-mile radius with 19 other farms within a 1.8-mile surveillance zone.  A total of 229 farms are located within a six-mile zone currently under restrictions over movement of live birds and litter.


Over the past six months, 34 significant HPAI outbreaks have occurred in the Netherlands attributed to introduction and dissemination of H5N1 virus by migratory waterfowl as previously reported in EGG-NEWS. To review previous posts enter ‘Influenza’ in the Search block.

Barneveld in the northwest quadrant
of Gelderland is the epicenter
of Dutch egg production