According to press reports and a recent ProMED posting, Ferrero has recalled Kinder chocolate products in the E.U. and the U.S. among other nations.
This action follows outbreaks of Salmonella Typhimurium resulting in approximately 150 diagnosed cases in the E.U. according to the European Centers for Disease Prevention and Control. It is presumed that additional cases were undiagnosed.
The source of infection is apparently contamination of a buttermilk tank in the Ferrero plant in Arlon, Belgium. The presence of the pathogen was detected in December 2021 and the plant was disinfected. Notwithstanding this action, subsequently produced product was obviously contaminated with laboratory confirmation applying whole genome sequencing.
The moderator of the ProMED posting raised the question of why an outbreak was precipitated by product presumably subjected to ongoing plant QC. Investigations are in progress to determine the virulence characteristics of the strain responsible for outbreaks.