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Projection of Margins for Illinois Corn and Soybean Cultivation


Agricultural economists at the University of Illinois recently published provisional budgets for state corn and soybean cultivation in 2022.  Realistic prices were included for inputs including seed, fertilizer and fuel and projected yields were consistent with WASDE projections.


 Assuming corn at $6.50 per bushel, farmers would attain revenue of $1,485 per acre. Expenses would include direct costs ($537); power and fuel ($168) and overhead ($79) yielding a margin of $365 per acre. 


For soybeans, a unit price of $14.30 per bushel was assumed, contributing to revenue of $1,015 per acre. This would yield a margin of $179 per acre with direct costs of $281; power and fuel of $147 and overhead of $72.


Values will obviously differ depending on region and ultimately margin would depend on yield and selling price.