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USAPEEC Optimistic Over Future Egg Exports to Mexico


The USDA Agricultural Trade Office in Mexico City estimates that egg consumption in Mexico will attain 450 eggs per capita in 2022, three percent higher than the previous year. The increase is based on the perceived value of eggs in comparison to alternative animal proteins.  Based on projections of increased demand, USAPEEC Mexico sponsored by the American Egg Board, has embarked on an aggressive program of promoting U.S. table eggs and egg products.  Hands-on workshops have concentrated on application of dried egg products for the bakery, food service and processing sectors.  Online technical training seminars (Huevinars) have promoted the benefits of U.S. egg products in value-added products.


For the period January through November 2021, Mexico imported 51 million dozen table eggs valued at $40.7 million, 12 percent higher in volume and 32 percent higher in value compared to the corresponding period in 2020.  For the eleven-month period in 2021, fourth-ranked Mexico imported 4,802 tons of egg products valued at $11.1 million.  Volume and value were respectively 46 percent and 34 percent lower than the first eleven months of 2020.