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Maple Leaf Foods Appoints President of Plant-Based Subsidiary


Adam Grogan has been appointed to the role of President of Greenleaf Foods SPC, effective January 31st 2022.  He will replace Dan Curtin, currently President who will retire after four decades in the food industry.


Over the past two years, Grogan and Curtin have worked together in anticipation of the transition.


Grogan is a 20-year veteran of Maple Leaf Foods holding positions of increasing responsibility including Senior Vice President of Marketing Innovation, Research and Development before assuming the role of COO at Greenleaf Foods in August 2019.


For the third quarter of FY 2021 ending September 30th the Plant Protein segment of Maple Leaf Foods of Canada, parent of Greenleaf Foods, posted a loss of US$30.1 million on revenue of US$ 38.4 million.