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U.K. Sainsbury’s Adopts Amazon Just Walk Out Technology


Sainsbury’s a major U.K. supermarket chain has installed Amazon Just Walk Out cashierless technology at their Holborn Circus store in Central London.  The system has been installed in a Sainsbury’s SmartShop Pick & Go, catering to casual and impulse shoppers in addition to local residents.


Customers enter the SmartShop Pick & Go store scanning a QR code with their personal device linked to a credit or debit card.  The Amazon Just Walk Out technology adds items that customers purchase and debits a card on exit from the store.


Dilip Kumar Vice-President of Physical Retailing and Technology at Amazon stated, “I am excited to share that we have collaborated with Sainsbury’s to enable a checkout-free convenient store powered by our Just Walk Out technology.”  He added “Our work with Sainsbury’s means that they have become the first international business customer. This is the first time that Amazon has retrofitted a store with Just Walk Out.”