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November COVID Situation


Through November 11th the 7-day average new case number is up five percent to 75,899 according to Johns Hopkins data.  The 7-day average U.S. mortality is 1,170 but with at least 90 percent unnecessary due to failure of patients to receive a COVID vaccine. The Texas Department of Public Health estimates a 40-fold difference in the probability of dying from COVID among non-vaccinated residents compared to those who were fully immunized.  Total U.S. deaths now amount to 754,325 (227 fatalities per 100,000) with a disproportionate number, expressed as a rate, in states with a low proportion of vaccinated residents. 


To date 67.2 percent of the U.S. population has received at least one dose of an approved COVID vaccine with 58.3 percent fully vaccinated. Compliance rates for vaccination range from a low-40 percent in some states to over 85 percent in others creating a national mosaic of cases, hospitalizations and deaths.