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Registration & Hotel Reservations Open November 8th for 2022 Midwest Poultry Federation Convention


Registration and hotel reservations for attendees to the 2022 Midwest Poultry Federation (MPF Convention) will open November 8th 2021 at Exhibitors will be given a different schedule for their registration and hotel reservations and will be emailed details directly by MPF’s exhibits manager. 


Show dates are March 22nd to 24th 2022 at the Minneapolis Convention Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 


  • The Pre-Show Nutrition and Poultry Health Symposium will be held Tuesday afternoon, March 22nd.
  • Education tracks for turkeys, egg layers, broilers, and processing (all species) will take place across all three days of the show (March 22nd to24th).
  • The MPF Welcome Reception will be held Tuesday, March 22nd from 4:30–5:30 pm. 
  • MPF Unhatched: An Evening of Eats and Entertainment will take place on the opening night of the MPF Convention at the Hilton Minneapolis– Tuesday, March 22nd starting at 6:30pm. $50 per ticket.


The Exhibition Hall will occupy new space on the first floor of the Minneapolis Convention Center and run 10am-5pm on Wednesday, March 23rd and 9am–12pm on Thursday, March 24th. 


“We are ready to welcome our exhibitors and attendees back to the 2022 MPF convention for our 51st year. We are working closely with our partners at the Minneapolis Convention Center and our hotels to provide a safe and secure experience,” said MPF President Scott Waldner, who represents the Chicken and Egg Association of Minnesota on the Board of Directors. 


Partnering events include the North Central Avian Disease Conference (March 21st-22nd) and the Organic Egg Farmers of American Symposium (March 22nd) – both events will be held at the Minneapolis Convention Center.


Details on all MPF Convention events, education program, and the list of exhibitors are available at  Contact MPF with any questions at or (763) 284-6763.