Micro-Tracers, Inc. announces the release of new spot-counting APPs for Android and I-Phones. These APPs count red and blue tracer spots automatically and also permit transfer of the counts to a report on mixer- performance. Together, these functions can save time required to analyze and report individual Micro-Tracer counts that confirm inclusion of an additive to a feed mix.
Micro-Tracers has developed a new Web Portal- portal.microtracers.com. This allows test counts from mixer evaluations to be entered into a database to generate new reports on mixer performance. The Micro-Tracer portal will allow entry and archiving of tracking data obtained from the assay of either truckload, farm silo or retained feed samples. The electronic storage of data is an important component of a quality control system to confirm that specific feed additives including anticoccidials and premixes coded with Micro-Tracers were or were not added to a diet.
In the near future additional functions will be added to allow statistical interpretation of Micro-Tracer data confirming inclusion of specific coded additives in addition to consistency of mixing.
Micro-Tracers can now receive and process feed samples in their in-house laboratory as a paid-for service for manufacturers who require analyses to be performed by a third party.
For further information, access www.microtracers.com or contact Micro-Tracers, Inc. at (415) 822-1100 ex. 1511. (Pacific Time)