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Herbruck Brothers Receive MSU Award


Stephen Herbruck, CEO and Board Chairman, Greg Herbruck, president and Harry “Herb” Herbruck, Director and Executive Vice President of Operations, were the recipients of the 2021 Distinguished Service Award from the Michigan State University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

In accepting the award Stephen Herbruck commented “the agricultural industry has a profound impact on our local communities and economy, and we dedicate a lot of time and resources to making sure we’re caring for our communities, employees and hens because it’s the right thing to do.”

Greg Herbruck stated “we are honored to receive the Distinguished Service Award,” He added “at Herbruck’s we work hard to demonstrate our company’s core values, serving our employees and our hens, as well as contributing to our local communities.”

Marilyn Herbruck in 1958
when she and Harry farmed 3,000 hens

Harry Herbruck noted “we are motivated by our responsibility to employees, customers and consumers, and aim to continuously innovate and reach a higher standard in our industry,” He added “We are humbled to receive the Distinguished Service Award from MSU and to be recognized for our contributions to agriculture and natural resources in Michigan,” 

Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch is a fourth-generation family enterprise that was established over 60 years ago. The Saranac-based farm is the 10th largest egg producer in the U.S. with locations in Michigan, Indiana and Pennsylvania. Herbruck’s has more than 10 million hens, and produces 245 million dozen eggs annually.