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Welcome to Rabobank as a Sponsor


Rabobank is a leading global financial services company providing wholesale and retail banking, leasing, and real estate services to customers in more than 40 countries worldwide. Founded over a century ago as a network of cooperative banks serving Dutch dairy farmers, Rabobank’s activities in the 21st century remain focused on Banking for Food. Rabobank is currently one of the world’s largest banks with over $640 billion in assets, more than 800 offices, with 43,000 employees.


Beyond of the Netherlands, Rabobank’s primary focus is food and agriculture, serving as a leading financial institution to the farming community and companies feeding the world’s growing population. Rabobank’s mission of “Growing A Better World Together” reflects the Bank’s commitment to agriculture as well as its cooperative roots. In carrying out this mission, Rabobankers worldwide continue to focus on delivering a wide array of sector expertise, strategic counsel and tailored financial solutions to clients across the entire food value chain.


To serve North America Rabobank operations are divided among Rabobank Wholesale North America and Rabo Agrifinance. Coverage extends across a variety of sectors including animal protein, dairy, farm inputs, sugar, consumer foods, beverages and supply chains for grains and oilseeds. Serving customers in both the production and processing sectors, teams are organized around clients’ enterprises to provide a full selection of advisory services and financial products including corporate lending, risk management, insurance, and input finance. Rabobank is driven by long-term relationships as bankers leverage industry expertise and client-focused solutions to support customers from coast to coast.


The Rabobank Animal Protein focus has been a pillar of the Bank’s activities in the Americas for decades. With a strong understanding of the forces impacting this key sector, Rabobank partners with operators across the value chain extending from farm to fork. Customers include feed suppliers, contract growers, primary processors, further processors, exporters, and others across all proteins. The experienced team of bankers at Rabobank are dedicated to supporting livestock production for years to come.


For inquiries and more information, access the websites listed below and follow Rabobank on LinkedIn and Twitter.


Rabobank Wholesale North America Website


Rabo Agrifinance Website


Rabobank Wholesale North America on LinkedIn

Rabo Agrifinance on LinkedIn


Rabobank Wholesale North America on Twitter


Rabo Agrifinance on Twitter