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Cal-Maine Foods Announces Cage-Free Conversion for Guthrie, KY. Operation


Cal-Maine Foods has announced that existing cage houses at one of the two sub-complexes at the Guthrie, KY. production facility will be converted to aviary housing.  The project will allow production from 1.5 million cage-free hens supported by aviary housing for 300,000 pullets.


Construction will commence in December 2020.  Pullets will be placed during summer of 2021 and the first layer house will be finished in the fall of 2021 with project completion in 2022.


In commenting on the project, Dolph Baker, Chairman and CEO of Cal-Maine Foods stated, “This latest expansion supports our continued efforts to position Cal-Maine Foods as an industry leader in meeting future customer goals for cage-free eggs.”


During the past 12 years Cal-Maine Foods has invested $460 million to improve facilities, conversion from cages and to erect new cage-free production.