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Campbell Soup Company Reports Increased Sales, Earnings for Q1 FY2021


Campbell Soup Company (CPB) reported on first quarter fiscal 2021 results on December 9th.  For the period ending November 1st, the company posted sales of $2.34 billion, earning $461 million with an EPS of $1.02, exceeding consensus estimates for the top and bottom lines. For the corresponding Q1 of fiscal 2020 ending October 27th, revenue was $2.18 billion with earnings of $3.17 million and an EPS of 0.56.

Mark Clouse CEO


Campbell Soup operates two divisions.  Snacks represented 43 percent of revenue, up one percent in sales, but with an11 percent higher contribution compared to the corresponding first quarter of FY2020.  Meals and Beverages comprised 57 percent of sales, up 11 percent from FY2020, but earnings were 18 percent higher.


In commenting on results, Mark Clouse, President and CEO stated, "fiscal 2021 is off to a strong start with first-quarter sales growth across both divisions and double-digit gains in EBITDA and EPS". 


Campbell Soup has total assets of $12.42 billion and carries long-term debt and other liabilities of $6.74 billion, down from $8.39 billion on October 27, 2019. Campbell Soup Company has a market capitalization of $14.32 billion and has traded over the past fifty-two weeks in a range of $40.70 to $57.54 with a 50-day moving average of $48.39.  The twelve-month trailing operating margin was 14.9 percent and profit margin 18.8 percent.  Campbell Soup has posted a twelve-month trailing return on assets of 6.3 percent and on equity, 32.2 percent.  Pre-release, Tuesday, December 8th CBP closed at $48.26, but fell at market open on Wednesday, December 9th recovering to $47.43 at 10H30, down 1.7 percent.