Following outbreaks of H5N8 avian influenza in Germany, The Netherlands, U.K., and Denmark, Sweden has reported an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza in a flock of turkeys in the region of Skane. A representative of the Department of Agriculture in confirming the case noted that surveillance is underway and that further cases may be detected.
The epidemiologic pattern during the late fall of 2020 has been a pattern of recovery of H5N8 virus from dead and living migratory waterfowl or raptors followed by sporadic outbreaks in non-confined poultry. Based on previous episodes of highly pathogenic avian influenza in recent years, authorities have justifiably established surveillance programs. Following detection of avian influenza farmers have been advised to confine flocks to prevent contact between migratory birds that are reservoirs of the the virus and susceptible commercial flocks.