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Walmart Foundation Donates $1.5 Million to Brighter Bites Charity


The Brighter Bites charity operating in Texas, Florida and New York received a $1.5 million donation from the Walmart Foundation to expand into California.  The organization donates food to under-privileged families with school-age children.  Eileen Hyde, Director of Sustainability and Food Access for Walmart stated, "access to healthy food builds a foundation for good health in communities.  She added "our goal is to improve people's ability to more consistently consume nutritious food and we're thrilled to support Brighter Bites and work every day to do just that".


Rich Dachmand, CEO of Brighter Bites stated, "we are incredibly grateful for the Walmart Foundation ongoing support especially at a time when an unprecedented number of families are struggling to put fresh, food on the table".  He added, "this grant provides the resources we need to rapidly innovate in order to safely bring our program back to schools this fall".