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Cases of Salmonellosis Linked to Red Onions Soars


As of Sunday, August 9th, 640 confirmed cases of Salmonella Newport have been diagnosed in the U.S. with 85 hospitalizations, predominately in Utah, Oregon, California, Montana, and Illinois.  The Public Health Agency of Canada reported 239 cases with 29 hospitalizations. 


The vehicle of  infection was identified as red onions, distributed by Thomson International located in Bakersfield, CA.  The company has recalled all onions shipped since May 1st.  The FDA has initiated an investigation to determine the source of infection and the factors contributing to the high incidence rate.  It is anticipated that following recalls and publicity that the frequency of new reports will decline.

People infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Newport by date of illness onset* as of August 6, 2020

*n=639 for whom information was reported as of August 6, 2020.