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Introducing Emily Metz, president and CEO of the American Egg Board


Emily Metz was appointed to the position of president and CEO of the American Egg Board effective June 8th.  Ms. Metz comes to the AEB with a wealth of experience in agriculture.  A professional communicator and lawyer specializing in food and drug law, Ms. Metz has served as a speech-writer for Dr. Richard Raymond at the USDA and was involved in aspects of beef, dairy, and poultry production with an emphasis on food safety and public health.  Ms. Metz spent her early career with the Animal Agriculture Alliance dealing with legislation, biosecurity and industry relations.  She served as a senior administrator in the National Milk Producers Federation facing similar challenges to the egg industry involving consumption, sustainability and substitutes.  Her commercial experience includes leading global R&D communications and corporate communications for Genus PLC, encompassing both international and U.S. promotion of new technologies related to hogs.

Ms. Metz was delighted to be appointed to her new position at the AEB, regarded as her "dream job".


EGG-NEWS had the opportunity to review the approach that she will take to build on the foundation established at the AEB by her predecessor Anne L. Alonzo who appointed a strong management and technical team during her tenure.



After four weeks with the AEB, you have probably developed some priorities and plans.  Please would you share in your initial thoughts with our subscribers?



“My immediate priority—with support from the AEB’s Executive Committee and my leadership team—is to draft a strategic plan for the next five years that will set the industry up for long-term success, ultimately increasing the demand for eggs and egg products both here and abroad for years to come.  Our team plans on being proactive and aggressive in promoting the industry.”




Could you kindly share some of the objectives.



“First, the AEB must be ruthlessly results-oriented.  We will assess the value of all campaigns and programs relative to tangible results in the marketplace. We’ll identify opportunities with the highest potential return, and invest more judiciously, with fewer, more impactful initiatives and cross-functional value.

Second, we must be data-driven. Our decisions must be backed by data, information and insight. I want the AEB to be the knowledge base and insight authority for the egg industry.

Our third aim is for the AEB to be visionary. The ability to connect the dots and see around the corner is critical to any organization’s future.  Five years might seem like a long way out, but unless we initiate a program of forward planning with annual revisions, the AEB will simply react to circumstances and will miss opportunities. 

Fourth, we must be more agile in order to rapidly seize opportunities as they emerge. COVID-19 pressure-tested this industry and we have learned quite a bit from it. The AEB must become nimbler to help our producers thrive in an uncertain, rapidly changing environment.

Lastly, we will be enterprising and innovative. We must explore, understand and experiment with new technology platforms as a means of connection. I want AEB to be the first commodity checkoff that figures out how to activate against the technologies that are reshaping our lives. Our competitive advantage will not only be based on anticipating trends; we will drive them.”



How do you intend implementing the five-year strategic plan to be developed?



“It is my intention to generate synergy among the talented people we have at the AEB and to combine their skills and experience with their industry counterparts.

We must explore all possible opportunities including exports, further-processed products and new added-value presentations.  We must build on previous initiatives involving outreach to consumers and health professionals and to the recovering food service industry.”



How do you view substitutes for eggs?


“I have first-hand experience with the challenge of imitators in the dairy industry. To be realistic, imitators are not going away. But they cannot compete with The Incredible Egg’s nutritional profile, versatility and affordability or its functional value in food formulation. Instead, they are attempting to compete on sustainability. This is an area I intend to focus on proactively so that our industry is secure for generations to come.”



What other issues will be considered in the strategic plan?



“We have a significant role to play in the forthcoming recovery of our nation. The AEB will have a hand in supporting our nation’s restaurants by partnering to drive new menu items and product innovation. And The Incredible Egg is uniquely positioned to become a key solution for many of consumers’ biggest challenges—offering nutritional value, versatility, convenience and great taste. So engaging current and future generations of egg consumers and anticipating their needs will be critically important.”



Are there any messages you wish to convey to the industry?


“To future-proof this industry, we must push the envelope, take more risks and invest in new opportunities. We must consider aspects of packaging, economic factors driving consumption and the image of eggs. We must understand what deeply motivates consumers and determine attributes that drive the purchase decision, including welfare, sustainability, quality and cost.

Working together, closely, with our egg producers and industry partners like UEP and USAPEEC, over the next five years we will future-proof this industry, helping our producers grow their businesses, ensuring the long-term security and prosperity of this industry and cementing the position of The Incredible Egg as an essential, indispensable part of people’s lives.”



Thank you Emily. We wish you and your colleagues every success in your endeavors.