Triple Insert HVT Vaccine Developed
06/07/2020 |
EGG-NEWS is indebted to Dr. Eric Gingerich for information on an experimental vaccine developed to provide protection against Marek's disease, laryngotracheitis (ILT), bursal disease (IBD) and H9 avian influenza. The Viral Oncogenesis group at the Pirbright Institiute in cooperation with colleagues from China developed a multivalent vaccine using HVT as a vector* Insertion of genes was achieved using CRISPR/Cas9 editing to introduce specific gene sequences that serve as antigens to stimulate immunity against the three targeted infections.
A vaccine that can effectively protect against ILT, IBD and a prevalent H9 strain of avian influenza based on an HVT vector would reduce the need for subsequent vaccination during the growing period for long-lived birds including commercial egg-producing and breeder flocks in areas where IBD, LT and H9 influenza are prevalent.
Dr. Venu Nair |
It will be necessary for a commercial vaccine manufacturer to license the candidate vaccine, conduct trials to demonstrate efficacy and safety and then successively manufacture and market the product.
*Tang, Na et al. Generation of a triple insert live avian herpesvirus vectored vaccine using CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing. Vaccines. 2020, 8, 97. Doi:10.3390/vaccines8010097.