Alltech One Virtual Experience
05/28/2020 |
In a message from Dr. Mark Lyons, president and CEO of Alltech Inc., it was announced that more than 23,000 attended the 2020 Virtual ONE program, presented during the third week of May. A total of 118 nations were represented, with participants obtaining information on scientific advances in agriculture and agribusiness from a range of accomplished academicians and agri-business speakers.
The Alltech ONE conference was the 36th in a series initiated by the late Dr. Pearse Lyons originally entitled “Biotechnology in the Feed Industry” comprising symposia held in Lexington, KY.
Dr Mark Lyons |
During coming weeks, poultry sessions will be reviewed for the benefits of subscribers to EGG-NEWS and CHICK-NEWS, who were not able to “attend” remotely.