A recent paper in Nature confirmed isolation from pangolins (Manis spp. or ‘scaly anteaters’) of a virus similar to SARS-CoV-2 responsible for COVID-19. Previously work demonstrated that the agent responsible for COVID-19 was similar to a bat coronavirus. The World Health Organization considers that the bat virus was transmitted to pangolins some of which are arboreal. It is presumed that their handling and consumption in China was responsible for transmission to humans. In addition to being regarded as a delicacy, pangolin scales are incorporated in traditional Chinese "medicine." A recent edict banning the housing and consumption of exotic animals and reptiles will probably not reduce the wide scale destruction of endangered pangolins given the exemption granted for "medicine" in China.
It is noted that SARS that emerged spontaneously in 2003 involved transmission of a bat coronavirus to humans through civets that are also consumed as a delicacy in China.