State Representative Maggie O’Neil (D-Saco) has proposed mandating cage-free production of eggs for the State of Maine. The proposal follows the standard format of the HSUS and if adopted Maine would follow other New England states.
According to the press report, Bill Bell General Manager of the New England Brown Egg Council stated that the introduction of cage-free housing would respond to growing customer demand. He commented, “As in any business, egg producers must supply what their customers want, and our customers – the retailers, the restaurants and the fast food chains, want cage-free eggs.” Bell is apparently unaware of the price differential between cage-free and conventional eggs and the growing realization that consumers, although apparently in favor of cage-free product in principle, are not willing to pay the differential. Essentially the cage-free movement has been activated by HSUS and kindred animal rights organizations by coercing customers comprising members of the NCCR, FMI and NRA, without necessarily referring to consumers.
State Senator Jeff Timberlake (R-Turner) emphasized the cost differential between cage-free and conventional eggs in an opposing statement. It is significant that Timberlake represents the constituency that is location of DeCoster Egg Complex leased to Hillandale Farms of Connecticut LLC.
The housing established by DeCoster over 35 years ago would be ineligible for conversion to aviaries, currently the standard for commercial cage-free production. It might be possible to convert the existing units to low-density cage-free floor operations using slats. Whether the owner of the complex or the lessee will be willing to invest in an upgrade of obsolete facilities is questionable.
In a statement regarding the proposal, Steven Vendemia President of Hillandale Farms of Connecticut LLC stated, “There is no question as to Hillandale Farms’ commitment to cage-free.” It is however significant that the Turner Complex with the capacity of 5 million hens now is apparently operating at 20 percent capacity.
If the Bill sponsored by Rep. O’Neil becomes law, commercial production in Maine would cease with the in-State supply of brown eggs derived from small family farms operating cage-free barns. This will ultimately raise the price of eggs in Maine and would require transport of eggs from adjoining states and the Midwest, resulting in job losses and reduced sales of grains to the existing egg industry.