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Dollar Tree Concludes Successful Test of Signage for Cage-Free Eggs


An in-store test differentiating between cage-free and conventional eggs was recently concluded in 63 Family Dollar locations.  Signage was installed in the refrigerated display coolers of the stores clearly identifying cage-free eggs.  The trial also included supplemental in-store messaging relating to the differences between cage-free and conventional cage-derived eggs.


In 2016 Dollar Tree committed to offer only cage-free eggs by 2025, subject to available supply, affordability and shopper demand.  It is apparent, as with many retail chains, especially those catering to lower income demographics that compliance dates have been either extended indefinitely or chains have committed to selling both categories of eggs.


Dollar General, a major competitor of Dollar Tree will not transition to cage-free eggs but will offer only conventional eggs.  In their statement, Dollar General noted “while we are hopeful with the passage of time the price of cage-free in-shell eggs will decline so that cage-free eggs become a viable equally affordable option, our responsibility remains oriented towards our customers and shareholders.”