Status of 2023 Corn and Soybean Crops: November 13th.
The USDA Crop Progress Report released on November 13th documented the status of harvesting 2023 corn and soybean crops compared to 5-year averages. This past week 88 percent of the corn crop was “in the bin,” two percent ahead of the 5-year average. For soybeans 95 percent of the crop has been harvested, an advance of 4 percent over the 5-year average of 91 percent. Harvesting in Midwest states was facilitated by dry weather. For the week ending November 12th, an average of 6.4 days were suitable for field work among the six major states producing corn and soybeans, contributing to harvests advancing rapidly to completion. This compares to 5.7 days for the previous week.
Rain coinciding with a previously drought-impacted corn crop suggests concern over mycotoxicosis. Producers and feed mills should implement their programs of monitoring for the presence of the significant toxins that impact production singly or synergistically.
CHICK-NEWS and EGG-NEWS will report on the progress of the two major crops as monitored by the USDA through the end of the 2023 harvest in late-November.
Reference is made to the November 9th WASDE Report #642, retrievable under the STATS tab with a projection of yields, crop sizes and ending stocks for corn and soybeans.
October 22nd
October 29th
5-Year Average
Corn mature (%)
100 |
Corn harvested(%)

October 22nd
October 29th
5-Year Average
Soybeans Mature (%) |
100 |
100 |
100 |
Soybeans harvested (%) |
91 |
95 |
91 |